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Happy Anniversary! Am I Doing This Right?

..... Because I really do not know anymore at this point.

I am so sorry, Deidre. I know you were really looking forward to this.

On the plus side, ;)

I'm spending/spent our anniversary writing episode two of "Scary Hours: Safe House". As I really hoped I mentioned before... I am still trying to figure out what I'm doing, and instead of writing a business plan (or bothering to create a cohesive outline), I made a playlist instead.

The idea of Scary Hours came to me in a way I'd prefer to discuss with a professional before I blurb it out to the Internet. With some advice from my sister, I decided to "kill my darlings," and one thing led to another. The next thing I knew, I was downloading Arc Studio and deciphering Better Call Saul scripts to reflect the difference between cut scenes and fade-ins. Two weeks later, Scary Hours was here. I knew that the podcast would take time to create money and find an audience, so I told myself to trust the process and began to find other ways to make money while I wrote the next episode.

A year later, I was still trying to figure out ways to make money online, BUT there's no reason to act like you'll read this in real-time, but I did tell you I was going to do it anyway. - So, (here we go again) - After Scary Hours, I started Rocket Drop. A dropshipping service, so obviously, there wasn't a 'playlist' for it. So that completely confused my manic ass, and I figured if I was going to take on one project like dropshipping, I might as well try all those fun "7 streams" and started cocoashops and mischievous/misfits. (At least, I did, I can't afford the memberships anymore because 'finding my audience' hasn't quite played out yet.)

I ended up re-enrolling in college because of the refund checks, honestly. But I decided to align my goals and go for something I could use, Communication and Media Studies. I used the checks to fund Fetch some more and crossed YouTube automation off my get-rich-nice-and-slow-like-you're-supposed-to scheme list. (Krate Raiders) Then I did what I said I would do, took my playlists, and wrote a story.

I also did what I said I would do, and the stories are shared between seven novellas and three podcasts. They're raw as fuck, and I don't mean good. - I can't wait for someone to read them.

With every word I wrote and outline I stole, I kept telling myself to hurry up and do the next episode of Scary Hours. I really thought I'd be 'back' to it well before the one-year mark came back around. I'm confident enough to say I got ADHD, even if it's undiagnosed, so I always keep a to-do list around my battlestation and (now) try to keep it limited to monthly tasks. The next thing I knew, Scary Hours was pushed back to its anniversary date, and Krate Raiders was supposed to premiere its "Ultimate Put It On The Floor Mix". Then lost my Adobe Subscription. So! Copywriting was next up on my list, and I went back to the search bar to see how I could manifest a few dollars for myself in the next six months. I took time to start a professional blog with Medium, signed up for a bunch of freelance sites, Fiverr, and applied for and other writing services. Still no steady earned income stream, but it was the end of July now, and I was officially ready to start Scary Hours again.

Except, I remembered the irony. I still needed to build an audience and consistently put out my content. Whether they made me any money or not, I started businesses - not relationships. I'm probably the most popular on a troll account. (Or is it a Finsta? I really don't care - I swear) So that's what the 'hold ups' been about.. (Reddit and OnlyFans).


i switched corners :)

So, I don't have the link to Scary Hours' second episode yet, but I'm confident I can deliver by this time next week. (The Traffic Jam V, Noel Book Club, another episode of Break in Case, and a new entry to The Laundry Room too... Since they all go together, you know?)

Oh yeah, I also made those NFTs I was talking about. They're still not exactly what I want them to be (I used AI) but, meh, we'll see right? They'll make sense in a minute, I did type the prompts extra special.

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