Fetch Beyond Entertainment is an independent vanity project started by Deidre Annette in 2010. Based in Illinois, Deidre is a creative director, writer, producer, entrepreneur, graphic designer, voice actress, and social media star who created Fetch Beyond to combine and showcase her art and skills. Thirteen years later, Deidre Annette continues to deliver innovative and high-quality creations from two warring universes she also originated.
Beginning with her unfinished flash fiction collection, Echoes of White, Deidre built The Maon Universe, an urban fiction saga chronicling
the fictitious lives of the D'Amore family. In 2020, while battling depression, Deidre Annette founded Vicarious Publishing, Canvas Media, The Fun Part Developments, Deidre Annette Presents, and Coco's Vision after experiencing many personal hardships. Also during this time, Deidre began romanticizing her unsettled past and developed an elaborate paracosm called The Beyond. A fantasy world, The Beyond Universe follows a storybook version of Annette as she travels her past lives in search of the disreputable, (and also made-up) - Slumber Party.
Today, with the help of social media, Deidre Annette has released four narrative podcasts (Scary Hours, The Traffic Jam V, Noel Book Club, and The Totally Real Podcast, Brought to You by Leprechauns and the Powers), two serials, four novellas, and a short story collection (Break in Case of Emergency, The Prelude, Everything You Need to Know When Traveling the Beyond, Garbage In, Garbage Out, YAMPS, BOYS, and PHYS-ED), and launched four e-commerce brands (Rocket Drop, cocoashops, YDNI, and Eliza Rose), under one umbrella.